BRAND: Louis Vuitton


This product's details are visible only to VIP Exclusive members 12 hours after admin approval

VIP Exclusive membership is a unique way to get more from your shopping. By participating in our club program, you become part of an exclusive community that brings you several advantages:

  • Free €5 postage: Save on delivery costs with every purchase.
  • Bargain product topping prices: Product topping for 14 days worth 7 days
  • Competition for valuable prizes every month: Registered members are automatically entered into the draw.
  • Priority access to new products: Our members have the opportunity to see and buy newly added products (condition: New, Like new) up to 12 hours before they are published on the Vipluxury app.
  • Discounted prices for products For the first 12 hours, discounted prices for products for all members

You get all the benefits for only €15 for 30 days. The membership fee will be automatically deducted from your payment card. And don't forget that you have complete control over your membership - you can cancel it at any time according to your needs.

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Before purchasing in installments, please check the availability of the product on our infoline: 0905 333 997